Umbrellas, Squat Toilets, and Other fun things

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just A Little Entry to Brag

I have no class tomorrow! The typhoon that's headed towards us is definitely worse than the last one that I'd mentioned to you. There've actually been three typhoons here. However, one of them didn't really affect Taipei--other than a little rain. The eye hits tomorrow and no one is to go to work or school tomorrow. So while some of you are busy slaving away, I'll be having another lazy day. I love lazy days a little too much when I think of it, but whatever.


Blogger HJ said...

Hey! I am in Ho Chi Minh City now!
But still, chat online!
Good luck!
Don't go out to watch movie because this typhoon seems really strong.

September 28, 2008 at 10:12 AM  
Blogger Welch76 said...

Hi baby girl.
Dang, I envy you.
I missed typhoon season there in Asia.
I can just curl up on the bed and snuggle against my pillows.
Eat chocolate rice porridge,
or steamed rice and dried fish.
Man, I def miss the Philippines.
I believe the typhoon passes Philippine Sea before it reaches you eh?
Your blogs are so interesting and long.
I haven't finished reading them by the way.
But I miss you tons.
Will continue to follow your lifeblog hehehe.
I had one but I think I lost the url address.

Pathetic me huh? hahahaha.
Love you tons.

October 7, 2008 at 7:50 AM  

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