Umbrellas, Squat Toilets, and Other fun things

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Flamingos in Taipei?!

Yes. My beloved flamingos are indeed here in Taipei. You could even consider them my neighbors. Except one small detail. You shouldn't haven't to pay two dollars to see your neighbor. Well, we'll overlook that detail since they're flamingos and should I feel energetic, I could simply walk a few kilometers and find myself at the zoo entrance.

Yes, you must think I'm odd to blabber on about flamingos, but that would probably be because you don't well me know enough. I pretty much worship flamingos. And I have some crazy flamingo things because my family knows.

There is actually a point to what I'm saying. Though I must sidetrack for a moment.

I think flamingos and I are two peas in a pod. Really. Think about it. They're colorful and funny-looking. The adjective I'd put with them would be marrant. Although my non-French-speaking friends haven't a clue what that means. However, much like a flamingo, I'm colorful and funny-looking. It's a perfect match. (That sentence sounds like words from a love story of the 18th or 19th century.)

Anyways, I just want to take a moment to let you know that I'm alive and give you some of my thoughts. Yeah, I'm a lousy blogger. I find it so boring to recount the things I've done. That's not to say I've done nothing. My Facebook albums are semi-representative of that. However, I find little interest in it. I've just been thinking a lot these past couple of days (and don't take this the wrong way or assume I'm wildly depressed).

What I really want you to know is that despite the fact I'm lousy at keeping in touch with anyone anymore, I really love you. I value and cherish every person with whom I've come into contact. No, I don't express this often. I suppose I fear being vulnerable and I fear that you won't return the feelings. Your friendship or bloodties (whichever you be) mean a lot to me. I don't want you to forget that.

I suppose at this point you're thinking I'm irreparably homesick. On the contrary, I usually have so much to keep me busy, sometimes I barely sit down for a moment of silent reflection. I love Taiwan, and quite honestly, I would be incapable of leaving Taiwan if you told me I needed to go home tomorrow. The people here are fascinating and beautiful. Their culture is so rich, and I feel grateful and humbled that they are willing to share any of it with me. However, when the time comes, I'll be glad to return to Grinnell. Of course, not without a certain amount of nostalgia for Taiwan because I always grow very attached to places where I make a life for myself.

I just feel that I don't say this enough.

I'm especially grateful to my sister, who I can always count on--no matter what.

Anyways, good luck on finals or happy return trip. What else are you up to? Work... Whatever it be, I wish you the best.


Blogger HJ said...

Yeah! I feel it's long time apart from your last post. (I do it too...I find somehow difficult to update my blogger.) Glad to know you are in a good track, feeling okay, finding things nicely. :)
Keep it up! and enjoy your returning trip, if there's one~

December 7, 2008 at 2:11 AM  

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