I know, I know... It's been forever.
It may have been forever, but please don't kill me. I enjoyed my three months of vacation, yet I'm glad to have restarted classes. Now, I feel more like I have purpose. Being a tourist and a bum does get a little exhausting after a while. Maybe it's because I have a very active mind, and as much as I might grumble, I like activity.
I've decided that instead of really worrying about recounting things chronologically, I'll just start doing little updates of random thoughts or events as I feel. Maybe it'll make me more motivated to keep up with all of this. You see, I hate routine and obligation. It also makes me a failure when it comes to diaries and the like.
I'll give you a brief summary of crazy things I've had happen. If there's something you want to here a further elaboration of, just let me know and I'll write an entry about it. So, it goes like this: I accompanied some friends from Southeastern Asia around Taiwan, saw some celebrities, went to the big New Year's concert and Taipei 101 Fireworks presentation, went to Singapore, went to southern Taiwan and celebrated the Chinese New Year, pondered big topics that have no answers, hung out with friends, went to 九份, saw some movies, got a new haircut that slightly resembles a manga character's hairstyle, had an unfortunate encounter with a health company that freakishly resembles a cult, had a couple of guys randomly harass me and tell me I was pretty, saw Taiwan's new pandas, and met the new CIEE folk. Wow! So much happened.
Anyways, I'm glad to have started class. I'm reading the newspaper now. It is the same class I was originally placed in, but this time around, I understand what's going on. Until the teacher open's her mouth and speaks newspeak. I swear Chinese news is a totally different language. But I love class this time. I'm not terrified witless. Gee whiz! I'm a big girl now!
Okay, I'll leave you with a rather unappetizing sight of my new hair-do to contemplate. Although, I realized there are none with my hair down, so you'll have to wait for the whole effect on another entry. I guess that shows how ashamed I am. Lol. You want to see other pictures, just let me know. There's a nice little Cbox for you to talk to me on.

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