The Beatles=Happiness!
Yes, I've been feeling a bit blue lately. Though I wouldn't say it's homesickness. I just don't know how to handle a good friend I fear I'm losing. She's fighting with me, and I am a failure fighter. I don't actually know how to quarrel with people and I'm not used to people giving me the silent treatment. If they're angry with me, they have but to see my goofy face or read my silly letters and they're okay again. Gah! All I want is for her to no longer be angry with me over whatever it is.
But to cure my problem: The Beatles!
And I remind myself that I'm a good and devoted friend. Devoted probably to the point it's a serious fault.
Besides, lately, I've had crazy food nostalgia. With a couple of Americans, I've made ridiculous food trips to imported American chain restaurants that are as about American as you'll ever get in Taiwan. I mean, could you imagine a Taiwanese person thinking fried macaroni and cheese is a good idea? Then there were the real cheese sticks, made with real mozzarella cheese. And the brownies. And the chocolate cake. And all the whipped cream. And the fettuccine alfredo. Good heavens, how I haven't died of cardiac failure yet is beyond me.
My favorite was the fact that our waiter called olive oil Italian butter. He didn't know the word and so he used the word Italian butter. He even tried to explain how to eat it for us. Lol. As if we didn't know.
Yeah, I've come to find that it's impossible as a white person to get by just speaking Chinese. I'd have to go back to Middlebury or move to the boonies somewhere to get all Chinese. And I'm gradually accepting and always shocking. Hehe! Though I still disagree with most people's view on internationalism. Damn being a weird person that thinks too much.
But... I've got my own country now! Freakin' 莎拉國!!!
I give you all hugs! Hugs! Hugs and more hugs!
I hope that you'll always remember that no matter what, I am always here for you and love you. If you've got me in your life, I'm pretty much there to stay. Good luck getting rid of me or making me not love you. Uber duper super special platonic love. I'm telling you, I beat a romantic interest. Lol.
Wow have I placed myself on a pedestal.
But some pictures to share:
My first Chinese massage. And check out those sexy pants. They were literally falling off of me, they were so big.
Don't laugh at me. Yes, it's another picture of 101. But it's at night. And still pretty. I left it this way because I thought it looked kind of cool and artistic like this. (Yes, now you're going to laugh, and I'm going to hide.)
The cute pandas. Though I still don't understand the Taiwanese on this. I've officially seen them three different times.
And I must return to work. Gah, I'm so busy I might... Not sure yet. Explode? -Not serious enough. Turn into goo? -Not quite right either. Er, brain failure? -That's pretty serious. I guess I could have a brain overload.
Back to work!
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